Originally Posted by Blackmobs
Originally Posted by m2w
most criminal groups? i don't think so
bikers have political connections? where? i doubt it
anyway also longetivity is another thing, mafia-style group last hundred years

Trust me, Bikers, well Hells Angels in Canada have political connections.
And most organized crime, have political connections in their country. Indian organized crime has political connection in India, Nigerian organized crime has political connection in Nigeria and african countries.
Or if by political connecrion, you only refering to political connection in America and Europe.

i didn't know hells had political connections, never heard
yes the biggest organized crime groups have all political connections, anyway with political connections i don't mean a single small gang that knows a mayor of this or that city, but a big organization connected with several politicians like one of the italian mafias (cosa nostra/ndrangheta/camorra), solncevskaja bratva, yamaguchi gumi, 14k etc.