Originally Posted by Giacomo
Sullivan went beyond even what the prosecution wanted. In addition to being vindictive in a general sense, this also prevents Joey from seeing his second daughter graduate college. Fucked up--the guy was guilty of GAMBLING, which is now legal.

On another thread someone mentioned Borgesi basically torturing someone to death. He is free right now. Some of you guys have really strange priorities. I mean, you all talk about Merlino being the power in Philadelphia and take as a given the fact that he is guilty of all the stuff he got away with in the prior court case - yet there is a general feeling he is being railroaded. I don't get it. The man has never worked a day in his life and look at the way he is living.

Get hyped up on something more important. For a start, a lot of the talk here was anything from 2 months was a realistic sentence for him when that clearly wasn't the case, as I posted above. Then take into account his priors.

I'm not shitting on the guy BTW. I'm just saying, you know, he plead guilty.

Hell, even I can admit he showed a little moxy with the quotes he came out with after the verdict. If he's not sweating it why should y'all?

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.