According to his brother and label mate Klever, 30 guys showed up to his door and he went out like a man. Very little else is known, people closer to him claim that a bunch of men dressed as cops showed up to his house, took him away and executed him. But that part hasn’t been confirmed.

He isn’t the first cholo rapper that’s been murdered this year. Yosie, a member of Florencia 13 in Mexico was murdered months ago too and so did another Mexican rapper affiliated with Toker. So toker is like the 3rd one this year.

I think these guys are crazy to be representing California sureno gangs in Mexico like that. Toker and brownside were doing music videos and stuff down there. Those cartels don’t typically like that cholo gang banger stuff. I didn’t like his music but he had some balls I guess.. and all that “proud to be Mexican” and “unite la raza “ talk that Toker was doing doesn’t mean shit to Mexican cartels and corrupt police. They don’t give a shit about any of that. Life is cheap to them.

Last edited by SoCalGangs; 10/12/18 06:44 PM.