Process Aemilia, the repentant Valerio: "La 'ndrangheta is reorganizing"
From Iacchite - 11 October 2018

The tones used are as usual histrionics and over the top, but they do not make the messages lighter. Antonio Valerio , volcanic collaborator of justice and a key witness to the prosecution in the maxi Aemilia trial against the 'Ndrangheta, and' returned this morning to take the floor to reply to the lawyers of the accused, who during the whole phase of the preliminary investigation tried to to demolish its credibility.

Reading for more than an hour a memorial (that will deliver to the judges) Valerio instead points out the unassailability of his reconstruction of the underworld association rooted in Reggio Emilia and dependent on the Grande Aracri family of Cutro . But moreover, talking about the "past, present and future of the 'ndrangheta in Reggio Emilia", hypothesizes possible scenarios that do not leave peacefully. First of all, accepting the definition of "Pythagorean" that a defense lawyer has given him, Valerio says of himself: " I am sure that even Tommaso Buscetta would get up from the coffin to congratulate Valerio because he was a regret too far ahead for the mafia of that historical period. Today is the same historical moment of the 'ndrangheta here in Reggio Emilia and the voids of wonder and amazement and bewilderment, like those of the first men who looked at the world Valerio filled them with the guide and with the truth ".

Where there was a murder, underlines the repentant, "I put names and surnames, authors and facts as they took place. On the association I have made hundreds of names and surnames of participants in the 'ndrangheta ", with evidence" precise serious and concordant and not only for the blood facts of '92 ". But today there is a new phase, summarizing, that of a 'ndrangheta in Reggio Emilia "autonomous, evolved and technological".

A 'ndrangheta "5.0" in which "the old dogmas and the new go hand in hand but it is the new one that advances". Hence the warning from Valerio: " Do not deceive yourself that the 'Ndrangheta ended with the Aemilia operation. It is reorganizing itself with new methods and there is no lack of young talent. I myself met at least twenty in the Muto brothers 'Revolution' bar . In Reggio Emilia you are all, no one excluded, under a stage of siege and subjugation 'ndranghetistico that has no equal because even the terrorists did not come so much. Nothing's finished ".

Valerio continues: "The power does not give up and the command line is there. After Carmine Sarcone there is Beppe (Giuseppe) Sarcone and the Amato (Alfredo and Francesco, sinti imputed in the trial) create instability in the coterie, but they can wait, they have to wait. Or they have to shoot if they want the command like we did cutres in '90 ". According to the collaborator then "now the women are in charge of this association since their husbands brothers and sisters-in-law are in prison" and "the apartments in exchange are the cryptocurrency expendable cash of the 'ndragheta. Better than bit coins ". Valerio also mentions why he fired his previous defender Alessandro Falciani: "I did not share anything of his line and he was removed".

Finally, he throws a jab to the defendants, who have been defended several times claiming to be discriminated against their southern origins: "Our origins are not discriminating - Valerio speculates - but what we are: mafiosi and 'ndranghetisti and damn organized"

"The king is dead, long live the king!"