News of the suicide of the ringleader of the attack, Jon Lester, was leaked to the media after Victoria Gotti posted a condolence letter.

And perhaps a response condolence posting by Victoria Gotti, daughter of deceased mobster John Gotti who was also Lester’s neighbor might have been the magnet that alerted the popular daily newspaper of the suicide.

That tells you all you need to know really.

Also, in same article.

Lester allegedly stated that he aspired to being “a capo” in the Mafia.

I'm not going to post the racial epithets Lester and his friends were reported to have said in the build up to the murder. They're in the articles linked below.

Also, the mayor of New York, Howard Koch, compared it to a lynching:
This incident can only be described as rivaling the kind of lynching party that existed in the Deep South.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.