Originally Posted by Serpiente
When Nick moved up you would not see Phil hardly at all even on the Scaf Inc. jobs he had Pat running the jobs and he is still in business to this day.

The laborers for Scarf Inc were mostly Italian and in one way or the other relatives or in laws thing , like all Phil’s girls brothers were on the crew

The neighborhood was a great place to grow up we lived on an island around seven miles long with four city’s and for the most part we knew everyone one way or another.

It was so close that when bookies came into town even if Nick gave the ok they just could not gain trust . Now one of these guy is a skipper now up north Beep’s and he opens a pool hall 200 ft. from Angeloni’s and had card games and book and he lasted two years .

We all know uncle Joe’s deal he could not get rolling here but it’s over now !!!

And Beeps came in the late 70’s like 77-78 maybe did not last past 80-81 back to northjersey.

Serp- When you said above "when Nick moved up he had Pat running the jobs...." Are you referring to Pat D'Andrea, or someone else? Cuz I thought Pat D'Andrea (lived in Philly and Longport) died around the same time as Ang or Phil Testa getting hit?