
Firstly I want to apologise publicly for losing my temper and being terse with you before my suspension.

Secondly could you provide instances for what you speak of because I am sincerely interested in learning more about it? Who are these FBI agents you speak of and what kidnappings do you refer to?

Personally I wouldn't label FBI agents like that but that's your prerogative and you are definitely entitled to it. There are outliers in every profession, whether it's the clergy, or the FBI, or charity organisations.

But over 99% of FBI agents do their jobs conscientiously.

The mafia, by definition, are criminals who contribute the sum total of zero to society, and even when they go "legitimate" it's with proceeds from crime and/or a front for criminal endeavours.

Thank you, and again, I reiterate my apologies for the way I spoke to you in the past. I hope we can move forward.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.