Originally Posted by NickleCity
Paula Manning (Pete Edwards Source about Musitano Hit, arrests, and Buffalo) tweeted this a while back: Pat Musitano talking with Johnny Catz from Buffalo after Pops hit

Manning indicated Buffalo gave permission for Pops to be hit. Does this change some understandings about what went on then, and Buffalo’s ability to have a say in Canada today?

Now this IS interesting. Thanks for bringing this up Nickle. It would make a whole lot of sense that Buffalo gave permission since by 1997 Buffalo was still a functioning family and there should have been retaliation otherwise. I think the Musitanos were in Buffalo's orbit too and they were capable of taking over Papalia's businesses with Buffalo likely still receiving their cut as has been stated in previous recent articles.

My take on Buffalo is that even though the remaining members seem to have gone legit, particulary the Todaros, they still hold positions of influence and respect in the underworld in the Niagara region and Southern Ontario. It can't be ruled out that they still have a say in the ongoings and perhaps still receiving a cut of the profits from associates that are still active. Just no longer a functioning family with an actual hierarchy on the American side. At the very least they are probably still consulted for advice in business and conflict.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."