Originally Posted by CabriniGreen
Nickey a couple questions...

Why would the FBI know about OC in Hamilton? Or know better than the cops there?

Now I ask bacause I feel their info is, how do I put it, maybe outdated?

I only ask, cause people keep saying it. I'm like , ALL confused, like arnt the FBI and DEA working with these people? And why dont they refute or correct anything then?

I actually took it as maybe they disagree on Buffalo. Maybe that's why in the Violi indictments they said Todaro syndicate, but in this one they are MUCH more conservative and careful with their wording. I took it as them trying not to antagonize or embarrass the FEDs.

There has to be extensive cooperation between the agencies to really make these type of cases right?

Like there CANT be an Old bridge type case unless there is coordination, no?

If the Buffalo- Ontario territory is dominated by Calabrians, why exactly would an American raised Fed be THE authority?

Also, have you read that report-theory by Anna Sergi?

@Cabrini I've actually wondered if the FBI/Justice Dept. in the Unites States is conflicted on the Buffalo family, and I know BensonHURST has too. Is that what you are saying. If it is, that question arises for me because of the following:

Cohen at Buffalo Field office in March 2017 told the Buffalo News:

“Some of the individuals who were leaders of the Mafia are still around,” FBI Special Agent Adam Cohen told the Buffalo News last year.

“But their organized crime activities don’t exist anymore. Some of them have legitimate businesses.”

US Attorney Eastern District (and I would guess the FBI in that area) wrote the following after the Otremens arrests in November 2017:

In a coordinated operation, Canadian law enforcement authorities today arrested nine organized crime members and associates in Canada, including members of the Todaro organized crime family, who are charged with, among other crimes, narcotics trafficking.

I would say that is a significant contradiction being both statements were made in the same year.

However, Nicky responded with a very good point:

Originally Posted by Nickyfromtampa
The important thing here is that the members of the Todaro crime family were arrested exclusively in Canada. Whereas Buffalo FBI Special Agent Adam Cohen was almost definitely talking about the city of Buffalo and surrounding areas. Unless whatever's going on in Canada is affecting organized crime in Buffalo, then the Buffalo Field Office shouldn't really be expected to know what's going on north of the border.

So it's not really a contradiction when you look at the context of the article, which is about the Mafia in WESTERN NEW YORK as opposed to the Todaro crime family's operations in other countries.

Here is my issue with that response: I have a hard time making a separation between the "Mafia in WNY" and the "Todaro Crime Family" and its operations in other countries. To me they are one in the same as the Todaro's where the heads of the Buffalo Crime family for two decades--even if they diminished in size and viability over that time. Of course it could be that another LCN family (like the Bonanno's) or even one of the Ndrangheta clans could be running things. Is that what you suggest Nicky?

My big question: What is the likelihood that traditional mafia structures have been reinvented and and their is much more collaboration between mafia families and mafia groups like the Sergi article has suggested.

Last edited by NickleCity; 09/25/18 11:17 AM.