If true this is big news, that the Scoppa's are the chosen favorites ,by the Ndrangheta, to be in charge of Montreal.

"Andrew Scoppa had the status of interim leader of the Mafia of Montreal at that time," repeated twice a lieutenant of the organized crime division of the SQ, in response to questions from Mr. Claude Olivier, counsel for the the accused Maxime Hébert.

It would be the first time a police officer has testified under oath that Scoppa was considered the acting head of the mafia, and not just an influential leader.

In May 2016, another source told the police that Andrew and his brother Salvatore would have received the approval of the Toronto Mafia and Italy, that they would be the leaders of the Montreal Mafia and "the decision-makers". Remember, however, that this is source information and that it has not been proven or tested in court.

Last edited by Ciment; 09/24/18 05:05 PM.