Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
DeVecchio I would take with a grain of salt. Scarpa did in fact do more damage to that family than another informant, and was close to the Persicos.

DeVecchio was the head of the Bonanno/Colombo squads at this time. He had access to a broad range of informers. If he was willing to stick his neck out and possibly even commit crimes to keep his prized informer Scarpa on the streets, then I’d wager that he’s not lying when he talked about Scarpas information being “exclusive” and “singular.” If Scarpas information was widely known to the feds, why stick your neck out to keep him on the streets? That’s my point, Giacomo, and even if DeVecchio is taken with a grain of salt it still shits into OakasFan’s bizarre and delusional lunacy.