I personally think Gotti played a huge part in the war.

He had Massino, on his side as he was responsible for re-instating the Bonnnano's to the commission.

He had taken over the Decav's.

The Colombo's were ripe for the taken.

Scopo and Orena and Wild Bill were very close to Gotti.

I think that played a big part in the move Orena and c/o made.

Obviously Wild Bill didn't have all that backing when he disappeared.

Also, At the time a bunch of his crew either were recently indicted and/or about to be indicted.

At the time it was one of the biggest wall street scams to be prosecuted.

The news was all over it.
As were the Feds.

You never know however, anyone that flipped that was in the know not one said Wild Bill was even thinking about a move.

MY opinion is that no he wasn t going to make a move.