Originally Posted by OakAsFan
Boomers invented most of the tech we use today. Even the smart phone. Frank Canova at IBM, Steve Jobs... boomers.

I know Oak...just sayin'..I dont even own a cell phone aside from the 1 I keep in my car strictly 2 call AAA in case of emergency...but I cant stand the way tech has delayed our everyday living by recordings & such..ppl. ..especially youth dont even look @ each other on a date because they r staring @ their toys(phones) in a restaurant..or worse yet..@ a family function(Thanksgiving)...not 2 mention driving & texting..man that gets me going when I see that......Nuthin' like the 70s , 80s..when things were simple & straight..music also..music does not exist anymore.

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...