So while driving through WV on my way to Pittsburgh , I stopped at an intersection in the Martinsburg WV area and saw a fellow wearing a denim cutoff with a familiar looking symbol . I looked a little closer and realized that it was a rendition of Surtr and I also noticed the Pagan's top rocker along with the MC bottom rocker . Not long after a bunch of other guys wearing the same colors pulled up and I realized that they must be legitimate Pagan's ( or very brave posers at the least ) what with Pagan's charters existing in WV .

The thing is I was under the impression that the entire Eastern Panhandle of WV is considered ( Florida ) Warlocks turf . After all they have several charters throughout the area as well as the nearby Shenandoah Valley/NOVA area and the only documented Pagan's charters are said to be in Charleston and Fairmont WV .

Of course ( as I'm sure everyone here knows ) the Pagan's are known to regularly move their charters from here to there , not to mention that their national president is supposed to be set on expanding . Which begs the question of them having their sights set on getting a piece of the Eastern WV heroin market . After all Martinsburg is known for being a major heroin town as of late and the recent Rhode Island Pagan bust also resulted in the seizure of heroin .

I wonder if/how the Warlocks will react though . I'm not aware of the two clubs having a direct beef , however the Warlocks are still on bad terms with the Outlaws who are on good terms with the Pagan's and the whole Warlock-Outlaw war was said to have flared up in part because of the Warlocks going into business with the Hells Angels , who are ( Captain Obvious moment here lol ) bitter enemies of the Hells Angels .

Anyways just thought I'd share this tidbit with you all . cool