Originally Posted by jace
I found this info on Reddit. One thing off regarding the timeline in the movie is when Vito is shot at the fruit stand. It is supposed to be just before Christmas of 1945 However when Vito is shopping. A poster is visible on the wall behind him and the fruit vendor. It advertises a fight between Jake LaMotta and Tommy Bell. That fight took place in March of 1947, 2 years and 3 months later. I found this info on Reddit.

LaMotta and Bell met three times in the ring. Their second fight was January 11, 1946. That would be in line for the poster in the scene (three weeks before the shooting).

FWIW - All three bouts were held in Madison Square Garden and LaMotta won all three by unanimous decision.

And further to Vito's shooting, it took place either Friday, December 21 OR Saturday, December 22, 1946. The back page of the Daily News that reported Vito was shot had the sports headline about Janiro beating Zavala. That match took place on 12/21/46. (Janiro was a decent middleweight who fought Jake LaMotta - remember from "Raging Bull" Vicki LaMotta said he was good looking and it drove Jake wild).
