These two are most likely the worse bosses seen in modern times. Rusty would not drop the mantle of Boss; until he got sick and died in the early 90's. He let a powerful captain in Carmine Galante take near total control of the family. Didn't work out for Cigars. Rusty was in and out or prison and only kept control through Massino; Without Massino; I believe Rusty would have been disposed.

On the other hand;

Persico; Has ran the family since the 70's. He's been in and out of prison his whole life; Only keeping control in prison via blood family members. He was briefly out on the streets; I believe in 79-81. Has control today; and hasn't had any resistance since Orena.

I have several questions here.

1. How did the other commission members feel about these two; Speaking specifically about Big Paul, Ducks Corallo; and Chin Gigante.
2. How was Persico on the streets as Boss in the 79-81? Was he respected at all by his contemporaries?
3. What years was Rusty out on the street as Boss? I don't recall any dates.

Last edited by Zavattoni; 08/19/18 04:08 PM.

“I called your f—— house five times yesterday, now, if you’re going to disregard my m—– f—— phone calls, I’ll blow you and that f —— house up… This is not a f—— game. My time is valuable. If I ever hear anybody else calls you and you respond within five days, I’ll f—— kill you.” ~ John Gotti.