Originally Posted by Quiet_Doms
Gotti went on a campaign spreading treason. Yeah Paul was a greedy fuck but Carlo left him in charge on his deathbed for a reason! He saw that times were changing.The blue collar rackets were coming to an end. I think the plan was to someday go semi-legitimate. Stealing is stealing! I just don’t think anyone predicted how stingy Castellano would be.

An Johnny Boy was no better. Here’s a guy who doesn’t mind spreading the money around but craves the spotlight. Although Sammy is a rat fuck... he did have it dead on about moving in the shadows. He recommended that he stay in Brooklyn, John in Queens, Joe Butch in Little Italy and Frankie Lo in the Bronx. Just think he may have had a ten year run before the Feds had an ironclad case.

I thought It was Gravano spreading treason, he had his own partners killed by telling Gotti they were bad mouthing him behind his back. I don't think Gotti was smart enough to put all those captains together, and convince them to turn on Paul if they were loyal to Castelllano. Graavano says he was smart and knew more than John Gotti, if so how could Gotti convince him to go along? It doesn't seem to add up.