Originally Posted by ]kingoflittlenewyork

And what proof do you have of this? Other than the fact it's been repeat over and over....

What do you mean? I agreed with your statement that Luciano wasn't responsible for the modern structure of CN, but rather Maranzano..

If you're talking about what proof I have for the assertion that Luciano implemented a businesslike approach for Cosa Nostra, a mirror image of capitalism. This was confirmed by the majority of mafia experts like Selwyn Raab, Jerry Capeci and Ovid DeMaris. The man got rid of the Capi dei Capi title and created a power sharing institution called The Commission. Now I now that some kind of Roundtable similar to it existed in one form or another years before, called the General Assembly, but it was very ineffectual and was always subservient to Capo dei Capi like Morello, d'Aquila and Masseria.

Luciano also put making money first and traditions and prejudices second. Old school Sicilians didn't like or even flat out refused to work with Jews like Meyer Lansky, Ben Siegel and Lepke Buchhalter. Luciano also got rid of this kind of backwards thinking. I don't care if you don't believe me, because if you can't be convinced by a man like Selwyn Raab about the genius of Salvatore ''Charlie Lucky Luciano'' Lucania, no one will..