Originally Posted by night_timer
I lived in Detroit. Yes, it has an 83 to 84 percent black population. If you're on a bus or waiting at a bus-stop it is common to be the only white person.

Yes, it's rough and dangerous in many (or most) areas.... there's heaps of crime. So, although there may not be many white people, there is still ample opportunity for crime.

For that reason, the Italian Mafia is still active in Detroit, but they are very low-key.

Although everybody in Detroit is aware of the massive crime problem and talks about it, nobody in Detroit really talks about Italians - they're very quiet... invisible, really.

The 82,7% of detroit people are blacks while the white are only the 10,6%. In fact until the 1980s the Detroit mafia had a huge coke and heroin ring duecthe fact that Tano Badalamenti brother Emanuele was a detroit made man but now are the nigga that control the city drug traffick.
The family survive because ae based on blood ties and prefer made "less" money with loansharking and bookmaking and enjoy it that sell drugs also because the only rat Nove Tocco flipped because nailed for drug charges.

Last edited by furio_from_naples; 08/15/18 07:04 AM.