Originally Posted by jace
It seems that most fo the crime groups are made up of the immigrants that Canada encouraged to come there. Unless Nguyen Manh Cuong,
Jujhar Khun-Khun, and Sukh Dhak are traditional Canadian names.

Well that's not entirely the case. Of course, there's quite a few foreign crime groups active in Canada. The most noteworthy are the Asian gangs: Chinese Triads, Vietnamese gangs, Punjabi gangs and Korean gangs are all very much active in BC and Ontario. Of course you also have the Italian crime groups; notably the Sicilian mafia in Quebec and the Calabrian Ndrangheta in Ontario. Then there's also the Caribbean gangs: Jamaican posses in Ontario, Haitian posses in Quebec.

Anyhow, by far the most prevalent form of OC in Canada are the biker gangs. And they're like 95% born and bred farmer white guys.