Originally Posted by jace
Did Dellacroce really even want to be boss? He had. a long career without major trouble, was near end of his life, and had a lot of power without the added heat of the boss spot. I wonder if Gotti wanted Dellacroce to be boss way more than Dellacroce wanted the position.

Actually Neil was getting indicted quite a bit in the 70's and the 80's. I know he was in jail for a few years in the 70's while Carlo was getting sick and eventually died. I think that was part of the reason why carlo wanted paul in that position along with the fact that Paul was good at white collar rackets. Neil was a tough and well respected gangster no doubt about t but he wasn't the smartest gangster and did have a lot of heat from the feds. I agree Gotti wanted him to be boss mainly because it would raise his position and he would of taken over eventually. The same thing happened with the Fatico brothers. In fact Gotti was hoping the Fatico brothers went to jail in the 70's so he would become the official capo of the Bergin crew.