A young man who displayed the colors of the Hells stabbed
The victim's father was linked to the most powerful bikers in the province.

GRANBY | A 20-year-old who had likely chosen to follow in his father's footsteps with the Hells Angels was stabbed to death Friday night in Granby, Eastern Townships.
The death of Cédric Dupuis Skinner was observed in the hospital after being severely wounded by knife-arm, around 2 h 30. The reasons for this aggression remained nebulous yesterday, and the Sûreté du Québec (SQ), which leads the investigation , was not able to advance hypotheses.
The crime scene on Authier Street was scrutinized by the Major Crime Service.

"Witnesses must also be met," spokeswoman Aurélie Guindon said.
No arrest was made in the evening.

The young man from Cowansville, who has a history of narcotics possession, obstruction of a peace officer, and assault, was blatantly posting on Facebook as a fan of the Hells Angels.
On a photo, he is seen wearing a sweater with the mention "81 Sherbrooke", the 8 corresponds to the 8th letter of the alphabet, the "H", for Hells, while the 1 represents the first, the "A" , for Angels.

In another image, he poses, the raised middle finger, in the company of Denis Desputeaux, with in the background the logo of Dark Soul's, a group linked to the most powerful bikers of the province.
Desputeaux was arrested at the end of June in the Dominican Republic with Kenny Maheu, son of Stéphane Maheu, who is a member of the Hells.
The two fugitives, considered as biker relations, were particularly wanted for drug trafficking in the greater Granby region as part of the Objection project of the National Crime Squad (ENRCO).
Cédric Dupuis Skinner's father, Richard Skinner, was arrested in 2016 at the time of the Muraille project.
According to court documents that Le Journal was able to consult yesterday, it was demonstrated by the SQ's investigation that Richard Skinner was one of the leaders of a drug sales network and that he controlled the "south sector". from Highway 10, the cities of Bromont, Sutton, Farnham and the surrounding area ".
It is also proven that he has links to members in good standing of Hells. In addition, during searches at his home, clothes with the effigy of the group of bikers were found, in addition to photographs with members.
Remained in prison
According to La Tribune, he had pleaded guilty and received 31 months and a half in prison, which corresponded to his time on remand. He remained, however, detained on death threats while behind bars.
He also pleaded guilty to this charge last June and was sentenced to four months, which he had already served preemptively pending trial. He is free.