Robert Evans actually said that in The Kid Stays in the Picture. They knew The Godfather would be timeless. They worked extra hard getting the family relationships right so that future generations would find the film relevant.

It's amazing how one thing like this can make a difference.

Joe Pesci's first movie is called The Death Collector. It's really not a bad movie, except for the disco soundtrack. If they use rock and roll music instead of disco, who knows how that film holds up? Just imagine if Scorsese had used disco music in Mean Streets. Yikes. He knew rock and roll was where it was at. The Stones "Tell Me" makes the Volpe's introduction scene work to this day. I hear millennials praising it.

"...the successful annihilation of organized crime's subculture in America would rock the 'legitimate' world's foundation, which would ultimately force fundamental social changes and redistributions of wealth and power in this country. Meyer Lansky's dream was to bond the two worlds together so that one could not survive without the other." - Dan E. Moldea