Those numbers from 2016 said more than 6k. Divide that by how many states we have. Rough average of 120 per state. Where I live in Florida, is where hillbilly starts on the west coast. Each county further north you go, the more back woods it's gets. For example, the next county up is Citrus. If Yankee candle made a candle for them it would have the ingredients of cat piss and 305's. What I'm getting at is that you never hear of hate crimes. There's a lot of Fucking pedophile bullshit that's on the news but never any race crimes. A couple of years ago, some negro girl and a couple of her friends tried to climb the flagpole and take down the confederate flag at the courthouse. They were meet by an overwhelming force of protesters (Negro and white). This old cracker Negro was on the news saying the girl was a fool and had no right doing what they were doing. This is how people get hurt.