Originally Posted by cookcounty
Originally Posted by jace
Originally Posted by cookcounty
Originally Posted by jace
It's also amazing how he must have been one of the younger cops there,e but no one else took charge. Was he the one yelling out those instructions at Daniel Shaver?

You're complicit in this mans death

This is the shit black lives Matter we're talking about and you ignored them with hatred. I'm black, you're white and cops are blue. They killed some white chick in Minnesota who called them to report a break-in, pigs are dangerous

No you have gone totally nuts. Explain please how in the world I am complicit in this death? You're babbling gibberish. I am complicit? I want to see this explanation. Back it up.

You've complained about the news media focusing on stories when the pigs kill blacks. That's the kind of rhetoric that helps the pigs get away with crimes. This pig didn't get in trouble because not enough people talk about dirty cops

Idiot, they do focus on blacks being shot while ignoring White deaths by cop. How dumb can you be? The Shaver story is just one example, I will now put up a bunch more. .