Originally Posted by Ciment
The demented people are the ones that believe that Trump colluded with the Russians.
After two years of investigation , there is still no evidence of any proof.

The far left, deep state ,Obama leftovers and the mainstream media are still trying to fabricate evidence.

All this bullshit is politics, the Democrats are on meltdown and are even eating their own. Senator Feinstein is proof of that, the party is divided and being takeover by socialists. They are going down in November. lol lol lol

There's still no evidence that the Russians are behind the poisonings that have been happening in Britain either. We are simply told to believe that they were responsible.

America has constantly interfered with elections all over the world for time immemorial, and yet this faux-outrage over something that, again, provides no proof.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.