Nicolo Clemente was arrested at an address in Trapani, Sicily. He would be in direct contact with the 'godfather' Messina Denaro. The construction contractor Clemente (50), known in Sicily, was arrested by order of the judge of the Palermo Court. He would be an important player in Cosa Nostra, and possibly also a crucial link between the upper world and the underworld on the island.
Goods have also been seized. Justice in Sicily tries to cut as many lines as possible that the boss Matteo Messina Denarocould maintain. In this sense, Nicolo Clemente is an important link. Through him, someone like Denaro would influence the building world with strangulation contracts. The line from Messina Denaro to Clemente would run through a brother of the latter. Although the justice system in Sicily claims that the whole family of Clemente has been in contact with the Mafia for years.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"