Originally Posted by phillyguy39
First thing I have to say is how could anybody want to get hooked up with a movie when they supposedly live the mob life? Gotti Jr. is a documented rat so we can understand his position. money always comes before honor and loyalty today. Anyway this Robert Deniro is a rat himself. A few years back he wore a wire to trap a guy who was trying to shake him down. Just look it up and you will see for yourself. So why would you want to get involved with Deniro when he's a rat himself. This Joey Merlino is a money hungry guy from all I read. But he does not deal with rats from what many have said. So now is he going to turn a blind eye to Deniro??? I think he also is going to be sentenced in September. Unless a new round of indictments get him caught up. Will be ready to see all that weather the storm

you answered your questions.

Money....that's why.