David Cronenberg
1983 Canada/US (1st time; DVD)
A TV operator of a cable TV programme respsonsible for graphic violence and softcore porn happens upon a mysterious show which takes over the mind; then the body…
Fast-moving thriller with complex visuals: what we're watching is often somebody watching somebody or something else, and the introduction to Deborah Harry's character is brilliant, with the most simple of pans to a live TV set-up, behind which she sits, and on which she is shown. Halfway through Cronenberg becomes interested in the unconscious desires of his protagonist, and enters a fantasy from which he doesn't return; the last half-hour is dedicated almost entirely to the image, and so the philosophies talked about in the first half of the film are cast aside (as well as the narrative) for something less rational. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?