Surely the best comeback ever was Lynch's Blue Velvet after Dune?

Anyway, I look forward to seeing Bubble.

Meanwhile, further revisits of Godard:

Le petit soldat (The Little Soldier)
Jean-Luc Godard
1960 France (2nd time; DVD)
In the 1958 Algerian War, a secret agent becomes pawn for both Left and Right, and falls in love with a girl.
Two scenes stand out here: the first in which our hero photographs Anna Karina's character whilst asking her frank questions, surely an influence on Soderbergh's sex, lies and videotape; the second comes at the end, with Bruno questioning almost everything, not least of all the purpose of speeches. Inbetween, Godard treats the whole thing like an internal monologue, a brooding character study, with almost no ambience on the soundtrack but an existential voice-over and haunting score. His most underrated film?

Bande à part (Band of Outsiders)
Jean-Luc Godard
1964 France (3rd time; DVD)
While caught up in a robbery plan, a young girl is torn between two boy friends.
Like many of Godard's adventures, this could easily be called Masculin féminin. A cool, observant romp, beautifully shot, and showing a growing confidence in form: the voice-over, omniscient and spoken by the director himself, is witty and self-knowing, telling us when and when not parenthetic insight into these characters is needed. Recommended, and accessible.

À bout de souffle (Breathless)
Jean-Luc Godard
1959 France (Nth time; DVD)
In Paris, an ultra-cool car thief kills a cop and seduces the girl he loves while running from the police.
In many ways typical of a would-be master's debut; original and influential, but also very tame, and, in the context of work made hereafter, a rather jejune affair. It remains of much worth, however, due to the innovative cinematography - when Godard isn't cutting up conversations with random jump edits, Coutard's shoulder camera tracks its stars with casual flair, capturing Paris at night in loving black-and-white. com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?