If Luciano and the mafia were that powerful politically they would never have kept going to prison for such long terms, and their names would have been kept out of newspapers as much as possible. Instead they were highlighted and prosecuted. Luciano got 45 years in a suspicious case. Genovese died in prison. If Costello was not shot and forced to step down he was likely headed back to prison. Sam Giancana was hounded so much by the FBI he sued and won. The most politically connected and powerful groups are the ones we rarely. if her hear about. LCN is the most overrated, over followed and over publicized crime group in the world.

lol you forgot the italian mafia/cosa nostra didn't exist for american law in te past and even hoower denied it existed, only in 1970s they started to say it was a criminal group with ranks and rituals, if i'm not right