Originally Posted by GerryLang
Originally Posted by Scorsese
The hilarious thing about these people calling themselves nazis and aryans is that they probably all would have been sent to camps in hitlers ideal world. It was very much a germanic thing he idealised more than being white. He and his inner circle were basically a bunch of looney toons that believed in conspiracy theories and believed they were descendants of the lost city of atlantis. They even went as far as to try and manufacture their own made up history of ancient germans by sending out expeditions to find artifacts like the holy grail etc. It would be funny if it wasnt for the fact that it ended up with them killing the disabled, jews and basically anyone they werent willing to stretch the ever fluctuating definitions of being aryan for.

Italy was an Allie of Hitler.

Hitler idolized Mussolini but thought that the Italians were weak and even despised the Japaneses, he allied with both because the japan should fight the english and american armies in Asia and the italy should fight the Royal navy in the mediterranean sea.Hitler also hate that the japanese dont wanted to help him in russia's invasions.