Originally Posted by OakAsFan
"Kicking ass and taking names" by separating children from their parents.

Douchebag Donny is a bridge and tunnel huckster who borrowed his way to fame. He's universally laughed at in Manhattan. The fact that he conned his way into the White House is just a testament to how badly Americans need to become more informed and more active in politics.

His legacy used to be that of a carnival barker, now it's that of a tiny man who jails children as political leverage. This is a dark time in our nation's history. Shame on those in power who allow it to happen.

The laws that Trump is actually enforcing were passed during Clinton's administration. Just because Bill, George and Barack made little to no effort to enforce them, don't blame Trump. He's come out and said his administration has a zero tolerance policy. And I fully back that policy. I'm not anti-immigration by any means as I understand we're a country of immigrants. I'm anti-illegal immigration.

Originally Posted by Ciment
Originally Posted by cookcounty

This mothafucka is kidnapping little kids and his supporters are ok with the sick shit. They dont care what he does as long as its some repulsive shit. And most americans don't know why we're globally the most hated country

When parents commit crimes they are separated from their children. It happens everyday.
Tell me what planet do you leftists liberals live on ?

Again, Obama does it not a whisper from you leftists hypocrites. When Trump does it the leftist go crazy.

There is obviously something wrong with you mothafucka people.

Great point Ciment! Why when an American breaks the law and is separated from his/her family and goes to jail, no one bats an eye? But, just like the liberal media, somehow this is different and is the new "flavor of the month" topic that'll be beaten in to the ground.