Originally Posted by cookcounty
Originally Posted by Ciment
School shooting deaths can be lowered considerably by having armed guards. Democrats are against armed guards for school kids but their cronies such as Hollywood actors, singers and politicians all have armed guards. It is pure hypocrisy on their part. Then there are Obama policies that credit police for not arresting crimes committed in schools. Democrats live in the twilight zone.
Let me be direct,it is the democrats that are responsible for the majority of these school kids deaths for failure to implement security measures at schools.

So the people who want gun reform are to blame for school shootings? Alot of schools already have police officers in them, parkland had a cop on duty who was too scared to confront the shooter.

New gun laws and having two pigs guarding schools might cut down school shootings by 75%. People act like maniacs to get guns and thats part of the reason mass shootings have spiked. Maniacs are the problem

Who is saying that insane be should have guns, everybody is against them having guns, so what is your point or don't you have one ?

Lets be honest here you people do not want gun reform you want to ban guns. Most cops have risked their lives to protect people you take one example and paint all cops with the same paint brush which is foolishness. The democrat sheriff from Florida was implementing Obama policies of not enforcing the law and that was the main cause. So you can thank your leftist friend for that shooting going bad.