Off the top of my head:

Aforementioned gang rape in Kildare (non-nationals)
Two rickshaw drivers raped women in Dublin (non-nationals)
Male tried to rape a woman in toilets in McDonalds in Dublin (non-national)
Male followed foreign national off bus and raped her in her house (non-national)
Man drugged and raped two women in his flat; this happened in the county I live in (non-national)

I can't think of any rapes committed by Irish nationals thAt have been in the news here.

For such a small part of the population they sure do fucking seem to be responsible for most of the sexual assaults here.

But anyone could see what would happen when you look how they treat women and children in their own countries.

Fucking savages.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.