Originally Posted by OakAsFan
Well, J CRUSHER, you tell me what it should be called when you attempt to rationalize the deaths of 19 children (168 people overall) by stating that they were killed over a cause that you support, and warning that it could happen if again if your cause continues to be threatened.

Not only did you sympathize with Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, you threatened that similar terrorist attacks, like the horrific one they committed, would happen again if gun control increases.

There's no room for misinterpretation here.

Originally Posted by JCrusher
Exactly. If anything it would cause a worse reaction. I mean part of the reason timothy mcveigh did the oklahoma city bombing was because of fear of firearms being taken away

How exactly did i rationalize his actions? In fact ive called Timothy Mcveigh evil for many years. All i said was banning guns was going to make it even worse especially to these monsters. So as a liberal you once again made false accusations that have no real truth.