Originally Posted by pmac
the oldest argument on the board. acoording to greg scarpa when carmine persico brother allie came home from prison in 1972 after like 15yrs allie was made. carmine was a hitter for carlo so he made it happen. turncoats casso from the luchese said he was made in 1974 fish carfo said fat ony and funzi tieri made him in 1974 he even sponcerd todays boss barney n for his induction in 1977 barney was like 20 21. george barone a genovese waterfront guy said fat tony made him in 1974. think it came up to the families boss decision, carlo gambino didnt need any new guys and after he died big paul made tons of guys. in dec 1976 into 77. oh and greg scarpa jr said he was made in 1975 by dibella the boss at that time
