Here is my take away, the mob in WNY wasn’t all but dead as Dan Herbeck reported in March 2017. It had morphed into a strong maybe powerful Crime Syndicate that has its roots in LCN. We aren’t idiots on the street... we know large amounts of activity was and is taking place. The term Syndicate verifies this. All this means is their structure is different from most LNC families. Who knows maybe the East coast families are morphing into what Buffalo has developed because it has worked so well. The article references the East Coas LCN Enterprise and other nonconventional organization and arrangements that are atypical of LCN in general.

Another way to look at it: If it barks like a dog, hangs out with dogs, and it used to be a dog... maybe it is still is a dog..

Here is the definition I found for a Crime Syndicate:

Aloose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities

family, mob, syndicate

Cosa Nostra, Maffia, Mafia
a crime syndicate in the United States; organized in families; believed to have important relations to the Sicilian Mafia

Type of:
gangdom, gangland, organized crime
underworld organizations

Are we getting into semantics when we try to say it is not a mafia family? Does anyone have a better definition of Crime Syndicate?

Last edited by NickleCity; 06/14/18 01:46 PM.