Nice find Nicky... Todaro Crime syndicate with operations based in Buffalo. Not the mob, but tied into Cosa Nostra and Calabrian mobs... I wonder who how big their syndicate is and how many Italians versus other groups are part of it. Is it the lack of an administration that makes it a syndicate? Or do they just not know who the administration is, so they call it syndicate? Could it be they Here is a picture from the article:

[Linked Image]

The article goes on to say:
The two operations confirmed that the traditional cross-border network of mafia organisations across the Buffalo-Montreal-New York triangle remained intact, despite organisational changes and law enforcement intervention. The FBI noted that the risks posed by LCN, however weakened, were still a focus for law enforcement both in the city and at a federal level.
Mafia groups have a chameleonic ability to adapt. In an age of globalised communications and transport, traditional mafia groups – particularly in a central hub such as New York – can resurface and explore new pathways for expansion into criminal and legal markets, both in the United States and abroad.

Maybe Buffalo has adapted like a chameleon so much they think it is a syndicate, when it is just an adapted version of the Mob.

Again Nicky Great article!

Last edited by NickleCity; 06/13/18 11:37 PM.