Originally Posted by CabriniGreen
I actually made the suggestion that Buffalo MIGHT be organized like Ontario, maybe even answers to Ontario.
I suggested looking into the Violis, as figuring out their affiliation would shed a lot of light on the current landscape.

I also suggested that Buffalo would be valuable as a transit point for narcotics, and with the Calabrians being dominant in cocaine, it might be an attractive territory for them.

Just had to throw that out there, Rooster didn't come up with that...

Sorry Cabrini should have given you credit for that... I have to admit I think that is one of the best explanations. I’ve often wondered if the power transferred to Canada and Luppino Family via Violi’s. Still believe there are American crews with Americans in those crews that operating in Buffalo area. A friend of mine owns a restaurant in the area and he’s told me stories that he’s heard from fellow restaurant owners. This is definitely hearsay, so take it for what it’s worth. These American crews may be loosely associated, but my guess is they answer-maybe to Canada.

Last edited by NickleCity; 06/11/18 12:33 PM.