La Eme was originally a prison gang but of course they’re more than just a prison gang now. But yes, their control of county jails and prison is how they gained their power over Hispanic street gangs.

La Eme, (not the Mexican cartels)does have an interest in stopping Hispanic gang beefs. The cartels just need to get the stuff over the border and sold pretty much. They usually don’t care or know much about the inner workings and beefs going on in the US.

But La Eme has and does make long standing beefs between gangs end. It doesn’t always work even with Eme intervention because some gang beefs are so long standing and traditional that even La Eme can’t really stop them but under the right circumstances and people in the mix it can work. A more recent example would be Thee Rascals, Tooverville and Frogtown in North East LA, which had a peace agreement after decades of feuding. This obviously helps keep law enforcement’s heat off some while money can continue to be sent to the top. And at least guys go to jail and prison for trying to earn rather than just petty gang beefs. The vast majority of gang beefs throughout the city remain active though. Further out in the Inland Empire/San Bernardino county there’s treaties that have lasted far longer, going on a couple decades now. Some of it has to do with how connected certain gangs are to the Eme. Some gangs have more members within the organization so they work closer and more directly which makes them more loyal and willing to follow rules to the tee. Other gangs have no direct contact with the organization whatsoever but will follow the rules in jail. But basically if a Hispanic gang earns, a percentage is supposed to kick up to the organization. Not all gangs sell drugs, some just tax independent dealers in their area and then a percentage goes up. Some gangs do a bit of everything while others are broke and have no money.