Originally Posted by cookcounty

Conservative blacks think they're better than other blacks

Conservative blacks dont try to help other blacks

It would be my own fault if i go to a klan rally and get assaulted. Just like it would be a black republicans fault if they talk their bullshit and get beaten unconscious

Perception is reality, and the GOP is viewed as racist so fuck what candace owens has to say. Especially since she said police brutality doesnt exist.


I have coppers in my family that i personally ridicule

They hear all kinds of jokes and dont get mad about it

You do not make any sense don't you ever ask yourself why ?

You also have a habit of making things up which is a good thing because a moderate democrats will probably reflect and say why am I associated with this leftist.

Last edited by Ciment; 06/25/18 09:05 AM.