Well, I witnessed the posts. They were pretty ugly. A lot of free floating bigotry until SC cleaned house. So, there's evidence right here on this blog that Cook and other black users here have experienced racism. They experienced it here.

I meant it more on a personal level like being refused rent , jobs, promotions based on your ethnicity or color.

Moving the goal line, as usual. It's your style.

These forms of discrimination are illegal. So, people that engage in them will never admit that racism is the reason. If Cook or any other black person here told you they felt they did experience discrimination in these types of instances, you'd refuse to believe them and try to discredit them anyway. It's your debate style. You never admit when you're wrong. You just offer a challenge, discredit the responder, insult the responder, repeat cycle.

"...the successful annihilation of organized crime's subculture in America would rock the 'legitimate' world's foundation, which would ultimately force fundamental social changes and redistributions of wealth and power in this country. Meyer Lansky's dream was to bond the two worlds together so that one could not survive without the other." - Dan E. Moldea