Originally Posted by OakAsFan
No president since Clinton has been genuinely good for the economy. If any president wants to take credit for this misleading math that is the job numbers of today, be my guest. Part time service jobs and "side hustles" like Uber are band aids, not solutions. Trump promises to bring back coal jobs but he knows he can't do that. He's taking advantage of his ill-informed base. Trump says he wants to train unskilled adults for the tech industry, but I'll believe it when I see it. Clinton proposed that in the '90s, and the Republican congress under Newt Gingrich said it wasn't government's job to train and educate adults. Now a Republican president is saying it is. I won't hold my breath.

I think you mean to say " No president since sexual predator Clinton has been genuinely............".

Last edited by Ciment; 06/03/18 09:12 AM.