Originally Posted by WhackWhack
Originally Posted by NickyfromTampa
Originally Posted by WhackWhack
Well you can include brokester as a type of wiseguy. In fact I'd guess close to half of the mob are brokesters now a days.I mean there are almost zero hits now a days so you can't make a living anymore being a hitter. Need more then that. Unfortunate what Gotti did to Cosa Nostra, and his stupid family just don't get it. This upcoming movie, like his egotistical lawyer once said about Gottis indictment belongs in the trash. Directed by Kevin Connolly....yeah, no. Especially getting a nobody from Sopranos to play Sammy just because he's Juniors friend.

Brokesters generally fall under "tough guys." If they had no marketable skills whatsoever, they wouldn't have been 'made' in the first place.

And when I said "tough guy" I did not mean someone whose sole job is to be a hitter. That would be ridiculous. I meant guys that shake down debtors for more established loansharks, break windows, slash tires, put the squeeze on stockbrokers. Guys like that are tough guys, as opposed to earners. Take the Colombos, for instance. You've got guys like Nicky Rizzo, Ralph Scopo Jr., Ralph Lombardo, that are earners who take in a lot of money from loansharking, unions, gambling. Then you've got the tough guys like Fat Larry Sessa, Fat Danny Capaldo, Big Anthony Russo, Joey Caves, who crack heads and aren't packing a lot of heat in the brains department. Here's what James Tartaglione said in 2003:
"There's people that go out there, just have a knack for earning money. They know how to put businesses together, and they are just good at what they do, as far as business. Then you've got those tough guys that could go out and kill somebody and do whatever they have to do."

Yes many toughs make no $. Which is why they have to use violence which can send them away forever. But here were plenty of huge earners who were tough guys. Tony Mirra. Roy DeMeo. Tommy Karate. Gravano. Madonna/Crea (may be stretching it but any boss willing to order brazen murders in the 2010s is a tough)

These examples are from the modern day Colombos:
There are earners who are certainly NOT tough. Like Ralph Scopo Jr., Angelo Spata (to an extent).
There are earners who ARE tough, like Dino Calabro, Big Anthony Russo, Tommy Petrizzo.
And there are tough guys who are NOT earners (not necessarily brokesters however), like Fat Larry Sessa, Joseph Monteleone.

Originally Posted by WhackWhack

I guess it's easier to say most brokesters are heavies and most big earner toughs are mainly drug dealers.