Originally Posted by Biggie
Dante,.i dont doubt people, everyones experiences can be different..i can only say this,.ive never seen them stiff.anyone,.and ive never.heard.it.from.someone it happened to, only rumor, and.i can def say never saw it..ever...now, some sucker at the table may pick it up haha, but not a beat


(Rinick shouldn't be viewed as the most reliable source, as Deborah had testified against him. And as Gossip Extra recently noted: The prosecutor claimed Rinick himself may have had the affair with Deborah. As will shortly be revealed, he was found in a somewhat compromising position.)

Deborah was spotted with Rinick almost immediately after Merlino went away. 

The Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office was investigating drug trafficking and the murder of an alleged member of a drug-trafficking ring. On December 6, five weeks after the murder and three days after Joey was sentenced, a taskforce consisting of state drug agents and city homicide and drug officers raided the Merlino home early one morning. Hiding under the bed of one of Joey’s two daughters, was Rinick, wearing only his underwear.