I find this:


Cubans’ greatest enemies at present, however, are the city’s Puerto Rican racketeers, who are in direct competition for the Latin junk market and for gambling and loan-shark operations. On Manhattan’s Upper West Side, with his base of operation around Broadway and 110th Street, Anthony Angelet, a 54-year-old Puerto Rican racket boss, is holding the fort for Raymond (Spanish Raymond) Marquez, who is in jail.

Lionel Gonzalez. another of the city’s powerful Puerto Rican dealers, concentrates his activities in the South Bronx, more specifically from his headquarters along Southern Boulevard between 149th and 150th Streets.
Jose-Rosa-Sunset Park Controlled Sunset Park area of Brooklyn and was key importer into Puerto Rico

In Brooklyn. the top Puerto Rican dealer has been identified as Jose Rosa, whose connections along Fourth Avenue in South Brooklyn are as good as his connections on the island of Puerto Rico. He is, in fact, the island’s key supplier.