Originally Posted by BillyBrizzi
Originally Posted by WhackWhack
And before anyone objects to such an accusation it's proven fact that Lucky Luciano himself was a snitch in the early 1920s to escape heroin charges.

Didn't Lucky snitch against himself? If I recall correctly, he told the cops where a heroin stash was, but he didn't tell them that it was actually his own heroin..

Maybe in Boardwalk Empire or his own book but it is from Luckys prostitution trial. Dewey brought out evidence that Lucky ratted on even bigger heroin dealers then himself in 1923. Lucky responded and I quote "I told them what I knew". Lucky gave up an actual person not just drugs itself. Lucky was a rat and it doesn't surprise me. His last words were wanting to get into the movies one way or the other...probably got whacked at that airport.