Originally Posted by WhackWhack
"Todaro was charged with no crimes". Common occurrence for him and his. Kind of like how all of law enforcement knows he murdered that salesman found in his trunk on Sheridan Dr. Way back. Kind of wonder if he was a Whitey Bulger type snitch to operate like he did. Wouldn't shock me. And before anyone objects to such an accusation it's proven fact that Lucky Luciano himself was a snitch in the early 1920s to escape heroin charges.

I don’t know if he was a snitch. May not have had to been. The more I read, the more I believe the FBI field office in Buffalo had a mutually beneficial arrangement with the Buffalo Crime Family well into Todaro’s reign at least into the mid ‘90’s. At the very least, if what Iannaccone writes is true, Todaro could blackmailed the Buffalo Office about their role in the MKUltra experiments as they partnered in delivering drugs to discredit the hippy movement and for the experiments. That is how Bulger used his MKUltra experience to his advantage.