Originally Posted by Ciment
They will make for example an indirect statement like Trump supporters are stupid, racist and other race baiting remarks just to get conservatives on this board mad and that is when things go out of control.

That's the problem with political discussions on a message board. Someone will post a point of view that others don't agree with and they find it inflammatory when the OP tries to defend his position. I'm not talking about these kinds of posts. I'm talking about posts that make an actual personal attack against a member. One in which someone is called names or worse.

Regardless, when one member posts his or her viewpoint and others disagree with the view words are exchanged and that inevitably leads to hard feelings. If we can't be civil in accepting each other's views we're all headed to a big fight. And those are hard to avoid. For that very reason I'd love to see political debates banned here on the GBB. Maybe one day Geoff will agree.

Until then any flamings (those of the personal nature) will result in suspensions or even banishments. There is no use arguing this. If you wanna talk politics here be prepared to grow a thick skin and be ready to bite your tongue. You all have my blessing as long as you remain civil.
